• Ali Uğur SAYDAM

    He graduated from Istanbul All-Male High School in 1965. He studied at the University of Bern between 1965-1974. He worked as a reporter in MİLLİYET (newspaper) and HEY Magazine between 1978-1981. He worked as the General Manager of KARACAN Publications between 1982-1986 and SABAH Newspaper Magazine Group Companies between 1986-1988. In 1988, he became the Founding Partner and General Manager of GÜNEŞ Publications.

    In 1990, he established BERSAY Communication Consultancy Office, where he serves as the Honorary President today. Saydam, who has taught undergraduate and graduate classes at Istanbul University's Faculty of Communication for 10 years, has been teaching "Customer Relationship Management" at Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Communication, Public Relations Department for the last 15 years. Ali Saydam started working as a columnist in SABAH (newspaper) in 2002. Until 2006, he wrote articles discussing business-relationship-communication issues in this newspaper. Saydam, who continued to work as a columnist in AKŞAM (newspaper) between 2006-2012, has been writing for YENİ ŞAFAK (newspaper) since 11th September 2012 and for Marketing Türkiye (magazine) since 1st January 2005. Saydam also writes monthly evaluation articles for the "Z Raporu", a magazine related to economical issues. His book "Algılama Yönetimi [Perception Management]" was published in 2005, "Eş ve Müşteri Nasıl Kaybedilir? [How to Lose a Spouse and a Customer]" in 2010, "Vazgeçmek Özgürlüktür [Giving up is Freedom]" in 2011, and "İktidar Yalnızlıktır [Power is Solitude]" in 2012. In 2013, his book "Algılama Yönetimi" was translated into English and German and his other book "Eş ve Müşteri Nasıl Kaybedilir?" was translated into English. Saydam is married to Dr Arın Saydam and has four children.